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Through partnering with technology firm Equinix, we have established data centres in London and Hong Kong. That, alongside our cross-connections with liquidity providers, has provided faster and more efficient trade execution. Available products may be restricted due to residency. Spot Gold and Silver contracts are not subject to regulation under the U.S. Commodity Exchange Act. Placing contingent orders may not necessarily limit your losses.
Think Capital Limited�is registered in Bermuda, Company number: 51879. Registered address: Clarendon House, 2 Church Strret, Hamilton HM 11, Bermuda. Individual traders have seen colleagues marched off the trading floor to face questioning. An error correcting system is functioning on our website. If you find a mistake you are able to send us a notification.
More promising approach is capitalizing on range contraction. This can be done on most time frames 4H and higher. For example, if daily trading ranges of given currency pair start to get smaller and smaller, it is likely that a larger move will follow. The longer the contraction period, the larger potential move after it. If one has hard time deciding which way to trade, it would be very easy to place a straddle order. Very simple way to implement this strategy is to place the orders just above previous bar's high and under the low. Stop loss could be about half of last bar range, with a target of something like twice the value of stop, or maybe close the position at the end of the time value used. For the weekly bar close would be at the end of the week, daily bars would dictate closing position at the end of the day.
As you trade more, your prices shrink. You can reach as low as 0.2 pips, which gives you a real advantage in Forex trading. But we want you to do well no matter how much you trade. Our prices are competitive, transparent and clear at all levels, and setting no false incentives.